Gift Aid Tracker

Are you using spreadsheets to prepare tax claims?

Many charities use the convenience of HMRC spreadsheets to make tax claims. There are various reasons for doing this, not least because it is simple to use. But for many organisations, this can lead to issues in the long run.

Chances are you will have accumulated many spreadsheets, making controlling Gift Aid extremely difficult to manage.

Searching for individuals in multiple spreadsheets when the HMRC does not require a URN can prove problematic, especially when requiring to keep records for up to four years, or worse, leading to the potential for double-claiming.

We work with charities who, having made “forward” only claims, want to reconcile their multiple spreadsheets to find missing retrospective donations and increase Gift Aid income or to ensure they remain compliant.

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Problems with spreadsheets

The Problem

Unclaimed Gift Aid

Forward-only tax claims mean donors who sign up for Gift Aid will miss out on unclaimed income, as many charities find it impossible to keep accurate records of gifts already claimed.

Storing and retrieving tax claims

HMRC’s tax claim spreadsheets do not require unique reference numbers, so keeping track of supporters, including change of address, is a time-consuming but necessary part of the audit trail.

Updating CRM claim history

If your charity has a CRM, writing back tax claims to the CRM requires knowledge of the tax claim process. Without evidence of donors being in the final claim, this can cause many problems, not least the risk of double claiming or tax claim omissions.

Keeping spreadsheets safe

Aggregating donations within a tax claim still requires evidence of names, addresses and valid Gift Aid Declarations and are a vital part of the audit process. Even when kept on shared drives, spreadsheets are vulnerable to being accidentally removed, misfiled or corrupted.

Impossible to apply HMRC rules

There are many mandatory rules which exclude individuals from claims. Whilst some of these rules can be arbitrarily applied, making a tax claim by spreadsheet requires a level of pre-claim administration, which relies on ensuring all valid Gift Aid is included and failed Gift Aid is excluded.

We can consolidate claims, supporters and gifts

Don't have a CRM?

  • We will give every tax claim a unique ID
  • We will group supporters by Title, First and Last Name and Postcode
  • We will give every donation a unique ID
  • All accessible through our Gift Aid platform.

Advantages with Tracker

The Solution

Centralised Claims

Consolidate all claims to date, allowing you to pick up any unclaimed retrospective Gift Aid Donations.

Control Claim

Remove the risk of potentially double claiming, and it is easier to spot regular giving missed payments.

Gift Aid Safe

Keep your tax claims safe from the risk of data corruption, and have the information ready in the event of an HMRC audit.

Easy Access

Access your Gift Aid information for reporting, auditing and forecasting anytime, anywhere.

CRM Writeback

Just need a one time writeback?

Working with our clients, we understand that you may sometimes need to submit a claim using the Gift Aid schedule spreadsheets. We have seen that, on occasion, claimed gift information doesn’t get written back to your CRM.

Not knowing which gifts have been claimed against means excluding these supporters from future claims or creating “forward only” claims, potentially missing out on historical Gift Aid.

We can help you identify claimed gifts from HMRC spreadsheets and provide you with a data file to write these back to your CRM.

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Offering the complete package

Our Gift Aid tracker works with

Gift Aid Hub

Accrue, draft, submit and claim income through our powerful Gift Aid audit management tool.

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Media Hub

Media Hub is our cost-effective and intelligent media storage and retrieval solution.

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Creating beautiful interactive data visualisations with our in-built Microsoft Power BI tool.

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